Oh, sheez, whatโs Syd Vicious doing back in town? (Payne) Howโd the testicle retrieval go, Payne? You still limping?...Thought so. I got the thank-you card from Planned Parenthood last week. Seems they want to honor me for saving the gene pool. (Syd)
Sherrilyn KenyonWhat planet are you from? Obviously Planet Insanity was missing a local, long-term resident.' (Nick)
Sherrilyn KenyonThe one thing I try to do with everything I write is open people's eyes to those they normally ignore or dismiss. To make people aware of the "other" side of things. That someone's circumstances may not be what you think they are or what they show to the world.
Sherrilyn KenyonHe looked down at her. "Have you found that peace?" Yes, she had. But it was so corny and cliched that she couldn't bring herself to admit it. "A wise man once told me that peace has to come from within. We have to learn to like ourselves before we can find our place in the world.
Sherrilyn Kenyon