It’s broke again, akri. The man downstairs done said that the Simi can’t charge nothing else until I’m not over my limit no more. I don’t know what that means, but I don’t like it. Fix it, akri, or else I might eat him. The Simi gots needs and I needs my plastic to work. (Simi)
Sherrilyn KenyonHe said he–meaning you–had been addicted to this drug he fed Sunshine. Getting anything that personal out of you is like removing a tooth from a lion without a tranquilizer. (Talon)
Sherrilyn Kenyon(Talon pulled another beignet from the sack and held it up for her to eat.) That stuff is hazardous to your health. (Sunshine) Baby, life is hazardous to your health. (Talon)
Sherrilyn Kenyon