See, Sway, that’s what you get for flunking your pilot’s test six times…which I’m pretty sure is a record of some sort. If not for the actual flunking, definitely for the persistence in pursuing that which you obviously have no talent for. Personally, I wouldn’t let you fly a remote-control kid’s plane. (Vik) Shut up before I find a can opener. (Sway)
Sherrilyn KenyonHow did you get me here? (Tory) I have my evil Jedi ways. The Force is strong with this one. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonIt is leashed. Now drop the subject or I’ll tell Sin you’ve seen me naked. (Kat) I will never bring this topic up again. Oh wait. What topic? I have Alzheimer’s. I know nothing at all. (Kish)
Sherrilyn KenyonMy father tutored me well on amnesia. He always said it was a necessary ingredient for any friendship. (Kiara)
Sherrilyn KenyonWhat was Dionysus going to go? Send him back to his hellish isolation? He’d been there, done that, and had the Ozzy T-shirt to prove it.’ (Styxx)
Sherrilyn Kenyon