What do you mean I have a predetermined death?” – Nick “Did I stutter?” – Death “No.” – Nick “Do I look like Webster’s?” – Death “No.” – Nick “Then you should understand what I said, since I didn’t speak in code. Every mortal creature is born with an expiration date. Some immortals, too. Set by the big clockmaker. But excessive stupidity and moronic tendencies can shorten it. Pissing me off is one really good way to cut yours down to three seconds from now.” – Death
Sherrilyn KenyonWhere are the cops when you need them? (Nick) Probably eating beignets. As the old saying goes, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. (Caleb)
Sherrilyn KenyonFifty dorcas they’re setting up an ambush near my ship. (Nykyrian) No bet. I know they are. They’re too stupid to not be obvious and predictable. Gah, I hate abiding by the law. Too bad you can’t slaughter them where they stand. (Syn)
Sherrilyn KenyonMy father tutored me well on amnesia. He always said it was a necessary ingredient for any friendship. (Kiara)
Sherrilyn KenyonI think it's important for people to know that bad things do happen to good people and that life can throw a serious curveball at even the most cautious and "prepared" people out there.
Sherrilyn Kenyon