And she was just leaving. (Xedrix) Not yet, I’m not. (Aimee) Yes, you are. Adios. There’s the door. Doorknob twists to the left. The hinges open in. You should use them. Keep them working. Keep you breathing. (Xedrix)
Sherrilyn KenyonWhat am I supposed to do while you’re gone? (Shahara) Think up ways to kill me while I sleep. (Syn)
Sherrilyn KenyonOh contraire, mon frère. I’m able to annoy all adults in ten syllables or less. Sometimes, I don’t even have to speak at all. I just walk into the room and it rankles them.
Sherrilyn KenyonOh, I remember how beautiful you were. You didn't have any hair. You were such a bald little booger, I thought I was going to have to save up to buy you a toupee.
Sherrilyn Kenyon