Shut up, sit down, and read. (Tory) Please? (Acheron) You need something? (Tory) You to be polite to me, Ms. I Own The World- Now Do What I Say You Pathetic Pleb. (Acheron) You don’t strike me as the kind of guy who takes orders anyway. (Tory) Yes, but a simple please goes a long way. I’m the one doing you a favor here. (Acheron) Fine. Please sit down, shut up, and read. (Tory)
Sherrilyn KenyonBut you’re human, aren’t you? (Kat) I’m human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don’t want to be around myself then. (Kish)
Sherrilyn KenyonJust remember, sometimes people will put you ahead of themselves. It does happen. (Leta) Yeah, the whole world is just rainbows and puppies. Boy Scouts really do help old ladies cross the street without mugging them and no one ever ignores a trauma victim’s screams. (Aiden)
Sherrilyn KenyonTabitha checked her watch. It was almost ten. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. Want to go grab a bite?” Valerius gave her an amused stare. “You have to be the only woman alive who would ask a man with fangs that question.
Sherrilyn Kenyon