Now, if I could get Mark to put down his phone and stop taking breaks, we’d be able to finish up before Oprah comes on.” – Bubba “Bubba, what are you going to do when they cancel her show?” – Caleb “Shut your mouth, boy. That’s sacrilege in this store. You talk like that, and I’ll toss you through the window like an old-timey hobo in a Western.” – Bubba
Sherrilyn KenyonTalon glanced wistfully at his drink as he debated what should take priority. 'Coffee... Daimons... Coffee... Daimons...
Sherrilyn KenyonWhat do you want, Acheron? (Artemis) You know what I want. After all I’m the top of the Food Chain and you…you’re the Food. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonHis scowl returned. "Why, if they're supposed to be Greek, are all of them speaking with an English accent?" She laughed. "Didn't you know that British is, like, the universal 'foreign' language in Hollywood? They use it in any movie where they want to have a foreign feel to it, regardless of where it's set
Sherrilyn Kenyon