Atlantis: Fabled. Mystical. Golden. Mysterious. Glorious and magical. There are those who claim that it never was. But then there are also those who think they are safe in this modern world of technology and weapons. Safe from all the ancient evils. They even believe that wizards, warriors, and dragons are long dead. They are fools clinging to their science and logic while thinking it will save them. (Thrylos)
Sherrilyn KenyonI'm telling you people; its a zombie attack. Z to the Oto the M to the B to the I,E. ZOMBIE..." -Bubba
Sherrilyn KenyonFor the moment, he's off plotting his Igoresque revenge. I don't know about you, but I have this image of him rubbing his hands together and laughing like Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory. (Kyrian)
Sherrilyn KenyonYou two go and have fun. I have plenty of stuff here to entertain me with. Plato rocks! (Tory)
Sherrilyn Kenyon