I don’t want your lying kindness. Sure, you’ll smile and be so sweet to me that I’ll trust you, but the minute I don’t give you everything you want the instant you demand it, you’ll turn on me and try to crush me. You’re just like everyone else in the world. No one matters but you. (Aiden)
Sherrilyn KenyonI hope you find peace, my brother. (Acheron) Peace walks hand in hand with a quite conscience. (Savitar)
Sherrilyn KenyonAnd I can’t let you out of here until I know what your plans are. (Kat) To stop the annihilation of mankind and the earth. It’s a simple plan, really, but an important one. Can I go now? (Sin)
Sherrilyn KenyonWhy would you do that? (Delphine) Why do you think? (Jericho) Because I’m a bossy hag and you’d rather be enslaved to a man you hate than deal with me. (Delphine) You know…you’re not funny. (Jericho) I think I’m hysterical. (Delphine)
Sherrilyn KenyonYou know, I've walked this earth for over eleven thousand years, my lady. I have seen things in my life that are unimaginable to you, and you ask me if I doubt you? Lady, I doubt the very air you breathe. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonI’m just trying to imagine you in flannel pink sock monkey pajamas. I’m sure you look stunning in pink. (Damien) Actually, with his skin tone he probably does look really good in it. I would definitely say he’s an autumn. (Kish) That’s summer, you dweeb. (Damien) I find it fascinating that you two women know that color palettes for clothes have a name. The fact you corrected him really scares me. (Sin)
Sherrilyn Kenyon