Beautiful. You can be taught. Makes my job so much easier when you’re actually intelligent. You’d be amazed at the idiots I’ve come across.” – Death “I try to keep my stupid to a bare minimum, since my mom’s always telling me it can be fatal in large doses.” – Nick “Oh, she’s right. Believe me, I know. For that matter, it can be fatal even in small measures. Remind me sometime to tell you about the woman I claimed who was vacuuming her cat.” – Death
Sherrilyn KenyonI want your opinion on the best way to proceed. (Eli) I’d start by killing your son and his crew of idiots before their stupidity spreads to anyone else and infects them. (Varyk)
Sherrilyn KenyonI’m not a child. Don’t talk to me like I am. (Kiara) No, you’re worse. You’re an adult who still thinks the world is a beautiful place, filled with people who will help you just for the sake of being nice. Wake up and smell the bloodbath and humility the rest of us have to cope with. (Syn)
Sherrilyn KenyonWe almost made it to thirty seconds without an insult. I think we set a new record.
Sherrilyn Kenyon