Fear is concealed in smiles and flashing teeth. 'Please say you still love me,' the kings and queens are really saying. And, when they fare badly, they return to their palaces and sleep fitfully.
Shirley MacLaineI don't have an assistant. I make a lot of people around me my slaves, but no assistant.
Shirley MacLaineSome people think I look like a sweet potato, I consider myself a spud with a heart of gold.
Shirley MacLaineWhen a child comes in, I believe that it's a 'multipersonhood,' and it knows it, its consciousness knows it, and it has a nuclei in the center of its consciousness that is the repository of all experience and all knowledge. And when you look in the eyes of your baby and you feel this sense that they are an old soul, I believe indeed they are.
Shirley MacLaine