The 'natural' is not necessarily a 'human' value. Humanity has begun to transcend nature: we can no longer justify the maintenance of a discriminatory sex class system on grounds of its origins in nature. Indeed, for pragmatic reasons alone it is beginning to look as if we must get rid of it.
Shulamith FirestoneIt is only after we have integrated the dark side of the moon into our world view that we can begin to talk seriously of universal culture.
Shulamith FirestoneWomen and love are underpinnings. Examine them and you threaten the very structure of culture.
Shulamith FirestoneWe should keep in mind that Revolutions anywhere are always glad to use any help they can get, even from women. But unless women also use the Revolution to further their own interests as well as everyone else's, unless they make it consistently clear that all help given now is expected to be returned, both now and after the Revolution, they will be sold out again and again.
Shulamith Firestone