Students rarely disappoint teachers who assure them in advance that they are doomed to failure.
Sidney HookThe mob that hails the man on horseback, the Caesars and conquering heroes, does not retain its freedoms for long.
Sidney HookThe next time anyone asks you "What is Bertrand Russell's philosophy?" the correct answer is "What year, please?"
Sidney HookBefore impugning an opponent's motives, even when they legitimately may be impugned, answer his arguments.
Sidney HookRussell's prose has been compared by T.S. Eliot to that of David Hume's. I would rank it higher, for it had more color, juice, and humor. But to be lucid, exciting and profound in the main body of one's work is a combination of virtues given to few philosophers. Bertrand Russell has achieved immortality by his philosophical writings.
Sidney Hook