I couldn't adjust to the racism in Florida. It was so blatant... I had never been so described as Florida described me.
Sidney PoitierIn my case, the body of work stands for itself... I think my work has been representative of me as a man.
Sidney PoitierI never had an occasion to question color, therefore, I only saw myself as what I was... a human being.
Sidney PoitierI am not a hugely religious person, but I believe that there is a oneness with everything. And because there is this oneness, it is possible that my mother is the principal reason for my life.
Sidney PoitierI find myself, at this time in my life, no less challenged, no less plagued, no less intrigued by what I still don't know.
Sidney PoitierI've learned that I must find positive outlets for anger or it will destroy me. There is a certain anger: it reaches such intensity that to express it fully would require homicidal rage--self destructive, destroy the world rage--and its flame burns because the world is so unjust. I have to try to find a way to channel that anger to the positive, and the highest positive is forgiveness.
Sidney Poitier