A kindly gesture bestowed by us on an animal arouses prodigies of understanding and gratitude.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteYou don't think before you do something foolish. You do your thinking afterwards.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteBooks, books, books. It was not that I read so much. I read and re-read the same ones. But all of them were necessary to me. Their presence, their smell, the letters of their titles, and the texture of their leather bindings.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteBut what is the heart, madame? It's worth less than people think. it's quite accommodating, it accepts anything. You give it whatever you have, it's not very particular. But the body... Ha! That's something else again! It has a cultivated taste, as they say, it knows what it wants. A heart doesn't choose, and one always ends up by loving.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette