To write is to pour one’s innermost self passionately upon the tempting paper, at such frantic speed that sometimes one’s hand struggles and rebels, overdriven by the impatient god which guides it - and to find, next day, in place of the golden bough that bloomed miraculously in that dazzling hour, a withered bramble and a stunted flower.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteA pretty little collection of weaknesses and a terror of spiders are our indispensable stock-in-trade with the men...
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteI did not look for her, because I was afraid of dispelling the mystery we attach to people whom we know only casually.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteTo write is to pour one’s innermost self passionately upon the tempting paper, at such frantic speed that sometimes one’s hand struggles and rebels, overdriven by the impatient god which guides it - and to find, next day, in place of the golden bough that bloomed miraculously in that dazzling hour, a withered bramble and a stunted flower.
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteI am indebted to the cat for a particular kind of honorable deceit, for a greater control over myself, for a characteristic aversion to brutal sounds, and for the need to keep silent for long periods of time.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette