As a girl, I used to believe that I could see and taste the air. I was TOLD that was impossible and forgot how to do so.
Silver RavenWolfI can take this real world and superimpose upon it the world of illusion (which isn't, really), in order to either fix or prevent many of life's difficulties--or even better, create happiness and well-being for both myself and others. I can do this, and so can you ... if you really want to.
Silver RavenWolfThe one thing I like about the religion is, I'm never at a loss to do something. No matter what happens in my life, there is something for me to do so I don't feel as though I have lost control.
Silver RavenWolfMagick, in it's own way, is a science of psychology because it uses the power of the mind to bring forth change in one's life.
Silver RavenWolf