For me, philosophy is an activity of thought that is common to human beings. Human beings at their best.
Simon CritchleyI guess what happens to a lot of people as they get older is that they get more conservative, but with me, the opposite is the case.
Simon CritchleyI think that when people are at their best, when they are thinking, reflecting, cogitating, then they are doing philosophy. So I don't see philosophy as an academic enterprise.
Simon CritchleyPhilosophy isn't programmed into us, and a lot of the forces of our culture steadfastly work against it. Philosophy, for me, is a way of resisting the nihilism of the present by making, creating, affirming. By going on.
Simon CritchleyBeing anthropologically respectful of all faiths means being committed to none, and being left to drift without an anchor for one's most deeply held beliefs. To have such an anchor means being committed to a specific community. The only way Obama can overcome his sense of detachment and resolve his mother's dilemma is through a commitment to Christianity.
Simon Critchley