I think change is happening in ways we can't anticipate yet because the whole generation of viewers who are viewing films - film may not be the appropriate word in years to come. I'm excited about the possibility of new types of storytelling; that to me is less daunting. I'm excited by how we'll evolve with those formats thematically, tonally and in narrative.
Simon KinbergI felt film is art and there are people that constructed that art - and that made me want to be a filmmaker.
Simon KinbergQuentin [Tarantino] is a filmmaker who really dives into things very seriously and deeply. And when he does interviews, he really wears his heart on his sleeve and he doesn't hold anything back.
Simon KinbergI came out of film school and went after movies that I thought audiences wanted to see or that the studios wanted, as opposed to the movies that I wanted. Over the last 10 years, I've gravitated more and more toward the films that I grew up loving - classic Spielberg, Lucas, James Cameron and Ridley Scott movies.
Simon KinbergYou've got to trust [that] your own compass will lead you away from whatever mistakes were made.
Simon KinbergI've always been curious what the negotiation is because obviously there's certain movies that every film wants a trailer on, like Star Wars, and I don't know how Disney makes the decisions as to what it does and doesn't put on there. I'm assuming that whatever movies are the same studio as the film get first priority, but then everybody else is fighting for the remaining spots.
Simon Kinberg