We can reorient science - for example, a kind of medicine much more directed toward the enormous number of women's health problems which are neglected now. But the original givens of this science are the same for men and for women. Women simply have to steal the instrument; they don't have to break it, or try, a priori, to make of it something totally different. Steal it and use it for their own good.
Simone de BeauvoirHarmony between two individuals is never granted-it has to be conquered indefinitely.
Simone de BeauvoirTruthfully speaking, women are dangerous, even those who aren't feminists, because there has always been a women's revolt. Only it has usually translated itself into solitary, individualist, disagreeable manifestations - the whole history of the taming of the shrew, the woman-shrew. They weren't shrews without cause.
Simone de BeauvoirWomen's mutual understanding comes from the fact that they identify themselves with each other; but for the same reason each is against the others.
Simone de Beauvoir