...counselling man to treat her as a slave while persuading her that she is a queen.
Simone de BeauvoirLegislators, priests, philosophers, writers, ans scientists have striven to show that the subordinate position of woman is willed in heaven and advantageous on earth.
Simone de BeauvoirIf you are truly on the left, if you reject ideas of power and hierarchy, what you want is equality. Otherwise, it won't work at all.
Simone de BeauvoirI could see no reason for being sad. Itยดs just that it makes me unhappy not to feel happy.
Simone de BeauvoirIn fact, people seem to be tired of fiction now. There are so many other ways of exploring humanity - by ethnology, psychoanalysis, and so on. It's a little boring to make up stories. So many people think that it's better to be very close to reality and to recount one's life as it is rather than to fictionalize, as they say, that is to transpose, and therefore to cheat.
Simone de Beauvoir