Weakness' is weakness only in light of the aims man sets for himself, the instruments at his disposal and the laws he imposes.
Simone de BeauvoirWhen women act like women, they are accused of being inferior. When women act like human beings, they are accused of behaving like men.
Simone de BeauvoirHistory is a great cemetery: men, deeds, ideas are always dying as soon as they are born.
Simone de BeauvoirGiven masculine norms, it is clear that women are more likely to be considered crazy - I'm not saying to be crazy.
Simone de BeauvoirI was struck by the absence, even among very young boys and girls, of any interior motivation; they were incapable of thinking, of inventing, of imagining, of choosing, of deciding for themselves; this incapacity was expressed by their conformism; in every domain of life they employed only the abstract measure of money, because they were unable to trust to their own judgment.
Simone de Beauvoir