The father's life is surrounded by mysterious prestige: the hours he spends in the home, the room where he works, the objects around him, his occupations, his habits, have a sacred character. It is he who feeds the family, is the one in charge and the head. Usually he works outside the home, and it is through him that the household communicates with the rest of the world: he is the embodiment of this adventurous, immense, difficult, and marvelous world; he is transcendence, he is God.
Simone de BeauvoirFathers never have exactly the daughters they want because they invent a notion a them that the daughters have to conform to.
Simone de BeauvoirWeakness' is weakness only in light of the aims man sets for himself, the instruments at his disposal and the laws he imposes.
Simone de Beauvoirit is true that nothing is gained without something being lost: everyone knows that in fulfilling oneself one necessarily sacrifices some possibilities.
Simone de Beauvoir