This has always been a man's world, and none of the reasons that have been offered in explanation have seemed adequate.
Simone de BeauvoirPeople seem to think that if you keep your head empty you automatically fill your balls.
Simone de BeauvoirThe state of emotional intoxication allows one to grasp existence in one's self and in the other, as both subjectivity and passivity. The two partners merge in this ambiguous unity; each one is freed of his own presence and achieves immediate communication with the other.
Simone de BeauvoirShe was ready to deny the existence of space and time rather than admit that love might not be eternal.
Simone de BeauvoirIt's true that this is one of the problems which often arises among my radical, revolutionary feminist friends: Do you have to join the system or not? On the one hand, if you don't, you risk being ineffectual. But if you do, from that moment on, you place your feminism at the service of a system which you want to take apart.
Simone de Beauvoir