If you are justified, you can no more be unjustified than Christ can be pulled down from heaven.
Sinclair B. FergusonOur first priority in ministry must be love. Love for His Word, love for His people, and love for His appearing.
Sinclair B. FergusonThe foundation of worship in the heart is not emotional ("I feel full of worship" or "The atmosphere is so worshipful"). Actually, it is theological. Worship is not something we "work up," it is something that "comes down" to us, from the character of God.
Sinclair B. FergusonRepentance is a characteristic of the whole life, not the action of a single moment.
Sinclair B. FergusonFor worship is, essentially, the reverse of sin. Sin began (and begins) when we succumb to the temptation, "You shall be as gods." We make ourselves the center of the universe and dethrone God. By contrast, worship is giving God his true worth; it is acknowledging Him to be the Lord of all things, and the Lord of everything in our lives. He is, indeed, the Most High God!
Sinclair B. Ferguson