The search for one's first professional job is not unlike a magical love potion: when one wants to fall in love with the next thing one sees, one generally does.
Sloane CrosleyI like to try to do a little work before I do anything in the morning, even if it's a paragraph.
Sloane CrosleyIt takes a level of creative depression to hear 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' and weep.
Sloane CrosleyI think that most New Yorkers would object to calling me a New Yorker. I didn't grow up here.
Sloane CrosleySome of the writers I admire who seem very, very funny and very emotional to me can develop a closeness with the reader without giving too much of themselves away. Lorrie Moore comes to mind, as does David Sedaris. When they write, the reader thinks that they're being trusted as a friend.
Sloane CrosleyWhen I was 14, a camp counselor explained what "eating out" was and I vowed to never have it done to me. It seemed cannibalistic and unhygienic. I also remember that she claimed--in front of an entire cabin of girls--to have been "eaten out" by one of the maintenance men in a hot tub. Under hot water. Either something is amiss in my memory of this conversation or she found the most talented man on the planet and all hope is lost for the rest of us.
Sloane Crosley