God can so fill a man with His Spirit that he can laugh and believe in the face of a thousand difficulties.
Smith WigglesworthGod never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown.
Smith WigglesworthGreat faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.
Smith WigglesworthThere was never one who came into the world with such loving compassion and who entered into all the needs of the people as did the Lord Jesus. And he declares to us, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my father.' [Jn 14.12] God wants us all to have an audacity of faith that dares to believe for all that is set forth in the word.
Smith WigglesworthBy the grace of God I want to impart the Word, and bring you into a place where you will dare to act upon the plan of the Word, to so breathe life by the power of the Word that it is impossible for you to go on under any circumstances without his provision. The most difficult things that come to us are to our advantage from God's side. When we come to the place of impossibilities, it is the grandest place for us to see the possibilities of God.
Smith Wigglesworth