It's Christmas time and my rhyme's steady bumpin. Everybody happy, hair still nappy, Gonna steal a gift for my old grandpappy.
Snoop DoggIt's hard to say goodbye to the streets. It's all how you do it. You can pass by and say, 'What's happening?' and keep it moving, but it's a certain element that'll never be able to roll with you once you get to this level, because that's the separation of it all.
Snoop DoggWhy do people carry guns? Protection, right? To protect me and myself. Whether it's home protection or street protection.
Snoop DoggMy biggest achievement is raising a healthy, happy family. As far as regrets, I don't really have too many. Although I've gone through some things in my life that didn't feel too good while they were happening, they allowed me to mature and develop into the man I am today. Those moments have taught me a lot. I wouldn't be the same person if I hadn't had those experiences.
Snoop Dogg