...in the acquisition of this blessing human nature can find no better helper than Love. I declare that it is the duty of every man to honour Love, and I honour and practice the mysteries of Love in an especial degree myself, and recommend the same to others, and I praise the power and valour of Love to the best of my ability both now and always.
SocratesI prefer to be refuted than to refute, for it is a greater good for oneself to be freed from the greatest evil than to free another.
SocratesIf a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.
SocratesPhilebus was saying that enjoyment and pleasure and delight, and the class of feelings akin to them, are a good to every living being, whereas I contend, that not these, but wisdom and intelligence and memory, and their kindred, right opinion and true reasoning, are better and more desirable than pleasure