A lot of people describe me as an electronic producer, but I actually wouldn't have described myself that way until maybe three months ago when I felt I was getting some really good production jobs with very good people. I would have always said, I'm a singer. I think the album brings the voice to the front, and makes that clear.
SOHNA lot of people describe me as an electronic producer, but I actually wouldn't have described myself that way until maybe three months ago when I felt I was getting some really good production jobs with very good people. I would have always said, I'm a singer. I think the album brings the voice to the front, and makes that clear.
SOHNSohn means "son" in German. I loved the idea of the word, because it's short and it was also important for me to have an "o" sound in my name. I like the idea of being the son of yourself - a bit of a rebirth, in a way. Also, I love the fact that it's such a blank word.
SOHNI tried too much and too hard to get people to pay attention to what I was doing, and so paying less attention to what I actually wanted to do. It's something you see a lot with very young bands who are desperate to get a record deal so they're trying to sound like something else.
SOHNI don't feel pride like that with my own stuff. When I listen to my own music I'm happy with it, but when for example, I hear the beginning of "Last Stand" and I hear Kwabs sing the first line that I helped to write, I just think, wow. I can't believe I was involved in that. I can't even explain what it was like being in that room while we made that. That was really some magic.
SOHNI'm doing interviews and there are pictures of my face, so it's not like I'm hiding who I am. As soon as you say what your name is, everybody writes that in every interview, and it kind of annoys me. My name's SOHN. It's not really much more complicated than that, and there are loads of artists in the world who have one-word names. I'd like to somehow be able to close a door somewhere.