There's really no way to break that chain - other than winning the lottery. There's no realistic way to end generational poverty other than to actually educate people so that they can get the jobs, so that people can be self-sufficient. And to be self-sufficient around careers - not just jobs, but careers.
Soledad O'BrienWhen we think about the issues that matter, obviously the news covers immigration, a lot. You might think immigration is the only story that actually affects us but when you poll Latinos you'll see that education is the number one topic that they're interested in talking about and economy is the second issue.
Soledad O'BrienWhen you have a child who has special needs, you really start thinking about children across the board with special needs.
Soledad O'BrienHonestly, the challenge about being a mom is when something goes wrong - someone's sick, getting someone to doctor's appointments.
Soledad O'BrienIt doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about what's "too much" what's "enough" or if you're telling the "right" stories, just do good work.
Soledad O'BrienWhen we feel pressured to have achieved certain things by a particular age, it could ultimately hinder us. It's great to have goals but those specific benchmarks can easily become irrelevant once you ask yourself, 'where am I having the most impact?' 'Am I going after the stories I want to tell?'
Soledad O'Brien