We need to help those we seek to serve, to know for themselves that God not only loves them, but He is ever mindful of them and of their needs.
Spencer W. KimballNo amount of rationalizing can change God's laws. No amount of fashion designing can turn immodesty into virtue, and no amount of popularity can change sin into righteousness.
Spencer W. KimballMake certain decisions only once . . . We can make a single decision about certain things that we will incorporate in our lives and then make them ours - without having to brood and re-decide a hundred times what it is we will do and what we will not do.
Spencer W. KimballThe time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.
Spencer W. KimballOne of the most important and rewarding ways in which we can serve our fellowmen is by living and sharing the principles of the gospel. We need to help those whom we seek to serve to know for themselves that God not only loves them but he is ever mindful of them and their needs. To teach our neighbors of the divinity of the gospel is a command reiterated by the Lord: 'It becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor' (D&C 88:81).
Spencer W. Kimball