An active mind needs an outlet. If it stops by itself from within, well and good; otherwise one should not try to stop this by force.
Sri AurobindoThe yogin becomes aware in part of the action of the supramental power organizing the lower vehicle (ฤdhฤra). A part of it remains behind the veil and prepares itself.
Sri AurobindoThe progressive growth of the finite consciousness of man towards this Self, towards the universal , the eternal, the infinite, in a word his growth into spiritual consciousness by the development of his ordinary ignorant natural being into an illumined divine nature, this is for Indian thinking the significance of life and the aim of human existance.
Sri AurobindoGod does work through both pure and impure vessels but that does not mean that one should keep nature impure for ever. When the vessel will become pure the urge for action coming from within will be a flawless, definitive action. As long as that does not happen one has to minimize one's activities.
Sri Aurobindo