Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.
Sri ChinmoyI have opened up an account With God's Heart-Bank. Therefore, I see nowhere The battering waves of poverty-thoughts.
Sri ChinmoyScience has the capacity to show mankind the full development of the mental life. Spirituality has the capacity to show mankind the possibility and inevitability of the life beyond the mind, the supramental life.
Sri ChinmoyLife is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love.
Sri ChinmoySacrifice does not mean that, by giving, we lose something. We sacrifice our limited self to our highest and largest Self, and at that time we immediately become the largest and the highest Self.
Sri ChinmoyThe moment we use the term 'help', a kind of egocentric idea enters into us. If we help someone, that means we are in a superior position. When we help, we feel that we are one step ahead or one step higher than the ones that we are helping. But if we serve someone, then we offer our capacity with humility, on the strength of our loving concern and oneness. So let us use the proper term, 'service'.
Sri Chinmoy