Unless you make tremendous efforts, you will not be convinced that effort will take you nowhere. The self is so self-confident that unless it is totally discouraged it will not give up. Mere verbal conviction is not enough. Hard facts alone can show the absolute nothingness of the self-image.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajWe miss the real by lack of attention, and create the unreal by excess of imagination.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajAbandon false ideas, that is all. There is no need of true ideas. There aren't any.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajBe conscious of yourself, watch your mind, give it your full attention. Don't look for quick results; there may be none within your noticing. Unknown to you, your psyche will undergo a change; there will be more clarity in your thinking, charity in your feeling, purity in your behavior. You need not aim at these - you will witness the change all the same. For, what you are now is the result of inattention and what you become will be the fruit of attention.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj