Give all your attention to the question: 'What is it that makes me conscious?', until your mind becomes the question itself and cannot think of anything else.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajThe attitude of silent observation is the very foundation of yoga. You see the picture, but you are not the picture.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajAll is a play in consciousness. All divisions are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajWe are slaves of what we don't know;of what we know we are masters.Whatever vice or weakness in ourselves we discoverand understand its cause and workings,we overcome it by the very knowing.The primary purpose of meditation is to become more consciousand familiar with our inner life.The ultimate purpose is to reach the source of life.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj