How easy it is to forgive and loose the most violent offender, when in tears, they repent. How difficult it is forgiving our own self, for the eyes of our reflection will always expose our untold sins.
Stefanie SchneiderLove is a funny thing, isn't it? The presence of it can bring you to save a foe, the absence of it can make you hurt your own flesh.
Stefanie SchneiderMaybe the reason it's easier to shrug away one who has made us their secret love is simply because we know our own flaws; we know under the right light, that illusion they believe will fall, and show us for what we really are instead of who they secretly hope us to be.
Stefanie SchneiderIt amazes me, how many words there are spoken, how many thoughts...yet each speaks freshly to me each time as if they were never once spoken before.
Stefanie Schneider