It is most often not our strengths, our courage or our successes that bring two human hearts together, but it is often our shared vulnerability, our fears and our common failures that make us one.
Stefanie SchneiderI feel really good when I haven't felt good for a long time and then suddenly I feel okay again. Nothing feels better than this.
Stefanie SchneiderMaybe the reason it's easier to shrug away one who has made us their secret love is simply because we know our own flaws; we know under the right light, that illusion they believe will fall, and show us for what we really are instead of who they secretly hope us to be.
Stefanie SchneiderI love when it's me you look at with that laughter in your eyes. It's reassuring, as if in letting me know my heart also had colors that you enjoy seeing. It makes me sparkle inside; I adore the times we sparkle me nothing is better than those.
Stefanie SchneiderWhat is truth? Truth is what causes you to breathe again when lies have told you, you are already dead.
Stefanie SchneiderCalifornia always had been a dream to me. I guess growing up in the 70s with movies like Vanishing Point, The Getaway, and Badlands formed the need for me to leave Germany for California. I'd never even visited before I moved there. When I moved to Los Angeles in 1996 right away I felt at home. Everything was in place and the dream was alive.
Stefanie Schneider