It's impossible to tell what's going on at any given moment in Tomb of the Dragon Emperor; it's even harder to care about being able to tell.
Stephanie ZacharekThe bigger question to ask about 300 is why, for a supposedly rousing tale of heroism, it's so curiously unaffecting.
Stephanie ZacharekIt's time to start recognizing that not all escapist entertainment is created equal. And that some of it isn't even entertainment. "Miss March" is, to use the vernacular of the escapist moviegoer, the biggest pile of crap I've seen in ages.
Stephanie ZacharekChildren of Men is a solemn, haunting picture, but it's also a thrilling one, partly because of the sheer bravado with which it's made. It left me feeling more fortified than drained. [Director Alfonso] Cuarรณn, the most openhearted of directors, prefers to give rather than take away.
Stephanie Zacharek