The first real terror struck him then, and there was nothing supernatural about it. It was only a realization of how easy it was to trash your life. That was what was so scary. You just dragged the fan up to everything you had spent the years raking together and turned the motherfucker on.
Stephen KingDo you need someone to make you a paper badge with the word WRITER on it before you can believe you are one? God I hope not.
Stephen KingIf I can get it down on paper without puking all over the word processor, then as far as I'm concerned, it's fit to see the light of day.
Stephen KingI can remember as a college student writing stories and novels, some of which ended up getting published and some that didn't. It was like my head was going to burst - there were so many things I wanted to write all at once. I had so many ideas, jammed up. It was like they just needed permission to come out.
Stephen King