Men! She could not understand why so many women feared them. Hadn't the gods made them with the most vurnerable part of their guts hanging right out of their bodies, like a misplaced bit of bowel? Kick them there and they curled up like snails. Caress them there and their brains melted.
Stephen KingA lot of fairy tales are thinly disguised hostility raps against parents. Kids know that they can't make it on their own, that if they were left alone, they would die.
Stephen KingAll you imagined, no matter how wild it might seem, was no more than a disguised version of what you already knew.
Stephen KingLetโs talk, you and I. Letโs talk about fear. The house is empty as I write this; a cold February rain is falling outside. Itโs night. Sometimes when the wind blows the way itโs blowing now, we lose the power. But for now itโs on, and so letโs talk very honestly about fear. Letโs talk very rationally about moving to the rim of madnessand... and perhaps over the edge.
Stephen King