One [paradox] is that pornography follows in that wake of women's liberation. The first instances of hard-core pornography were in late 18th-century in France, "the Golden Age of Women." The next wave in the 20th century comes from Sweden, one of the first countries where women voted. Then Germany, again, at the forefront of progress. Then America in the '80s, when women were closing the pay gap. And Japan, same thing.
Stephen MarcheThe first things that babies can notice is sex; the first thing that you can tell about a person when you see them walking down the street is their gender.
Stephen MarcheAs you get closer to equality, you get more pornography. True patriarchal societies like Saudi Arabia do not allow pornography because women are not allowed to turn their bodies into a commodity; women are chattel.
Stephen MarcheToronto may be the only city where novels are integral to high art, the alternative scene and mainstream culture all at the same time.
Stephen MarcheCulture is always the echo of economic realities; that's what Marx teaches. Feminism is a clear example of that.
Stephen MarcheThe economy is changing everything. And men need to deal with that. Our response to it has been rage, stupidity and conscious avoidance of dealing with what the reality of being a man might be outside of empty concepts from ancient history.
Stephen MarcheMen talk about masculinity through sports and clothes. They don't talk about gender, they talk about LeBron James and whether it's okay to wear lipstick and eyeliner. They're not getting to the question at hand, which is, "What does it mean to be a man when the traditional values of masculinity are eroding incredibly rapidly?'
Stephen Marche