The easiest way to do art is to dispense with success and failure altogether and just get on with it.
Stephen NachmanovitchIf a creative person has a sense of humor, a sense of style and a certain amount of stubbornness, he finds a way to do what he needs to in spite of the obstacles.
Stephen NachmanovitchThe noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge.
Stephen NachmanovitchWriting, playing, composing, painting, reading, listening, looking-all require that we submit to being swept away by Eros, to a transformation of self of the kind that happens when we fall in love.
Stephen NachmanovitchFidgeting and boredom are the symptoms of fear of emptiness, which we try to fill up with whatever we can lay our hands on.
Stephen NachmanovitchBrahms once remarked that the mark of an artist is how much he throws away. Nature, the great creator, is always throwing things away. A frog lays several million eggs at a sitting. Only a few dozen of these become tadpoles, and only a few of those become frogs. We can let imagination and practice be as profligate as nature.
Stephen Nachmanovitch