We provide both irritation and inspiration for each other- the grist for each other's pearl making.
Stephen NachmanovitchFidgeting and boredom are the symptoms of fear of emptiness, which we try to fill up with whatever we can lay our hands on.
Stephen NachmanovitchHere the artist is, as it were, an archaeologist, uncovering deeper and deeper strata as he works, recovering not an ancient civilization, but something as yet unborn, unseen, unheard, except by the inner eye, the inner ear. He is not just removing apparent surfaces from some external object, he is removing apparent surface from the Self, revealing his original nature.
Stephen NachmanovitchThis is the evolutionary value of play- play makes us flexible. By reinterpreting reality and begetting novelty, we keep from becoming rigid. Play enables us to rearrange our capacities and our very identity so that they can be used in unforeseen ways.
Stephen Nachmanovitch