The easiest way to do art is to dispense with success and failure altogether and just get on with it.
Stephen NachmanovitchThere are only people doing their imperfect best at doing their imperfect jobs
Stephen NachmanovitchImprovisation is intuition in action, a way to discover the muse and learn to respond to her call.
Stephen NachmanovitchIf we are transparent, with nothing to hide, the gap between language and being disappears. Then the Muse can speak.
Stephen NachmanovitchThe conception, composition, practice, and performance of a piece of music can blossom in a single moment.
Stephen NachmanovitchThere are no prescriptive solutions, no grand designs for grand problems. Life's solutions lie in the minute particulars involving more and more individual people daring to create their own life and art, daring to listen to the voice within their deepest, original nature, and deeper still, the voice within the earth.
Stephen Nachmanovitch