Arthur, with his keen blue eyes and hair of burnished gold, his ready smile and guileless countenance. Wide and heavy of shoulder, long of limb, he towers above other men and, though he does not yet know the power of his stature, he is aware that smaller men become uneasy near him. He is handsomely knit in all; fair to look upon.
Stephen R. LawheadIt had long been an ambition to find the line of force that might lead to the Holy Land in the time of Christ.
Stephen R. LawheadI tell you the truth, a man may not make himself king; only the blessing of him who holds the kingship can elevate a man to that high place. For sovereignty is a sacred trust that may not be bartered or sold; still less may it be stolen or taken by force.
Stephen R. LawheadArthurโs fingers tighten on the silver-braided hilt: see how naturally it fits his hand! He pulls. The Sword of Britain slides from its stone sheath. The ease with which this is accomplished shines in the wonder in Arthurโs eyes. He truly cannot believe what he has done. Nor can he comprehend what it means.
Stephen R. Lawhead