I would say that Catholics came in and competed with the Protestant work ethic. That is one thing. And they did assimilate into the broader society and a lot of them, especially Irish Catholic did their best to sound like they were English rather than Irish by dropping and the O and the apostrophe.
Steve KingI hope we are able to shift debate over to the Middle East and change this debate to how we help the people in their home countries rather than believing we can be their relief valve for the poverty and the grief that`s in the world by bringing people here.
Steve KingEven though me and Paul Ryan disagree on a whole lot of things, when he stood up and confronted those ugly words that [Donald] Trump said, I was proud of him.
Steve KingMuslims are a part of the fabric of this country. By the way, they always have been, and more so now than ever.
Steve KingAnybody that brings up amnesty in this Congress, we need to just take the scarlet 'A' for amnesty and pin it on them.
Steve KingGeorge W. Bush, another Republican who I probably didn`t agree with on much, right after 9/11 went to a mosque and joined with some Muslim leaders and said that, look, you know, we`re not going to tolerate any backlash. These people who attacked our country are criminals and they`re terrorists, and they might try to profess a religion, but they definitely violate the principles of that religion.
Steve King