I believe very confidently in the truth of Scripture, where it says that there is no authority, no power given to man except as given by God.
Steven Curtis ChapmanI've been here 21 years, and I literally did walk up and down Music Row trying to break into the business. I felt very free to go into any publishing company.
Steven Curtis ChapmanThere is no greater love than this. There is no greater gift that can ever be given. To be willing to die, so another might live -- there is no greater lover than this.
Steven Curtis ChapmanAs Christians, our compassion is simply a response to the love that God has already shown us.
Steven Curtis ChapmanThe stories that have had the deepest impact on me and one of the reasons I was excited to finally get to write my story, it's when I can read the story of others who are following Christ, who are committed, but just are still on the journey. They haven't arrived, and can be honest about that process.
Steven Curtis Chapman