When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own.
Steven PressfieldA horse must be a bit mad to be a good cavalry mount, and its rider must be completely so.
Steven PressfieldResistance is experienced as fear; the degree of fear equates to the strength of Resistance.
Steven PressfieldOn the field of The Self stand a knight and a dragon. You are the knight. Resistance is the dragon.
Steven PressfieldLook in your own heart. Unless I'm crazy, right now a still small voice is piping up, telling you as it has ten thousand times, the calling that is yours and yours alone. You know it. No one has to tell you. And unless I'm crazy, you're no closer to taking action on it than you were yesterday or will be tomorrow. You think Resistance isn't real? Resistance will bury you.
Steven Pressfield