I was keenly conscious of the comrades-in-arms who had fallen with me. A bond surpassing by a hundredfold that which I had known in life bound me to them. I felt a sense of inexpressible relief and realized that I had feared, more than death, separation from them. I apprehended that excruciating war survivor's torment, the sense of isolation and self-betrayal experienced by those who had elected to cling yet to breath when their comrades had let loose their grip.
Steven PressfieldIn the hierarchy, the artist faces outward. Meeting someone new he asks himself, What can this person do for me? How can this person advance my standing? In the hierarchy, the artist looks up and looks down. The one place he can't look is that place he must: within.
Steven PressfieldAnything that draws attention to ourselves through pain-free or artificial means is a manifestation of Resistance.
Steven PressfieldYou are a writer when you tell yourself you are. No one else's opinion matters. Screw them. You are when you say you are.
Steven Pressfield